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Explore / Las Vegas / Entertainment
Conceived and directed by Channing Tatum, MAGIC MIKE LIVE is an unforgettable fun night of sizzling, 360-degree entertainment based on the hit movies. It’s hot. It's hilarious. It’s the great time you've been waiting for! This first-class experience features some of the world’s sexiest, most talented guys performing heart-racing dance routines in front of, above and all around you. Equal parts empowering and exhilarating, the 90-minute show is punctuated by unexpected, temperature-raising acts from a thrilling range of acrobatic and musical talent. In other words, it’s got basically everything.If you’re looking for the ultimate girls’ night out or an electrifying date night, look no further than MAGIC MIKE LIVE. If you’re NOT into letting your hair down, laughing out loud and really hot guys, then it’s probably not for you. It’s time to FREE YOUR MAGIC. So stop looking... and start booking!
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MAGIC MIKE LIVE is an unforgettable fun night of sizzling, 360-degree entertainment based on the hit movies
This first-class experience features some of the world’s sexiest, most talented guys performing heart-racing dance routines in front of, above and all around you
If you’re looking for the ultimate girls’ night out or an electrifying date night, look no further than MAGIC MIKE LIVE
Opening Hours
Duration: 90 minutesWednesdays - Sundays at 7:30pm & 10:00pm
Cancellation Policy
Trending experiences
Normally $72.00
Normally $180.00
Normally $241.00
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